A Synopsis of Nepali Youth Ministry Context and the Theology of Youth Ministry

Prem Narayan Bhattarai

Youth ministry is a part of churches in the Nepali context. All most every denominations and church groups has their own type of designed youth ministry. In most of the situations, analyzed major youth ministries and youth ministry organizations are focused in youth oriented activities. Is that the only way of ministry or it has different aspects? Let's try to evaluate our context, current youth ministry approaches and the Biblical elements of the youth ministry (Biblical elements of the youth ministry; which is called Theology of Youth Ministry here in this article).

A. The Context of Nepali Youth Ministry
A synopsis of Nepali youth culture and context in-hand of youth ministry situation-
a. The Culture and Context
The need of youth ministry in European or American context is extremely different. We can say that the context if upside down different. The families and value of an individual in western culture is radically different than the Asian. Nepali youth are somewhat dependent to the family. Some of personal decisions like educational choices dress to wear, job or career to decide and even choosing life partner also are forced by the family. In other word youth (teens and even young adults) are enforced to follow the family decisions. Families are abided in the family values. Youth of Nepal cannot think about deciding their ethics and morality by themselves. Somehow, being changed in urban and educated families but yet it's not considerable.

Whereas, if we look at the western culture youth (may not be in teens but completely for the young adults) are independent and can make decision for their life and ethics. In these two completely different contexts, youth volunteers (youth leaders of local churches) are to be careful as heading towards the call. The greatest mistake of Nepali Youth Ministries are making is not understanding the culture, context and need of Nepal but easily adopting the foreign youth ministry approaches in Nepali context. This is not 100% wrong, at the same time 100% right too!

Nepali churches are still young in terms of their way of thinking and practices. Easily manipulated by the success of others! For example, if something is being very fruitful trade in Terai region which doesn’t mean you can apply the same approach in Hilly or Mountain region as well. The Culture and Context, it's something to be studied and researched… not yet too late.

b. The Call and Continuity
The concept of Nepali churches and practice is to delegate young people for the youth ministry. If looked at the churches, almost 95% youth leaders ate from the same age group of rest in the youth meetings/ fellowships. In one hand it's true that the leaders understand the heart of same group and can easily communicate, in the other hand they are look-downed (less respected), have lave of experience and practical knowledge, failed to show-up life example and most often are tempted as other youth and have failed to lead at all. Isn't it hard to accept? Youth volunteers are to be mature enough physically, spiritually, mentally and practically to lead, motivate, counsel and correct other young people.

That’s not the end of the story! It continues as, youth volunteers lead until they are single. Right from the other day of their wedding they fell that they are no more youth and cannot continue ministry? It's ironic! Nepali youth volunteers and leaders are yet to understand 'youth ministry is a lifetime call.' Once you step into it make commitment to continue as career ministry.

B. Current Nepali Youth Ministry Approaches
There are numerous youth ministry approaches in Nepal. Here, the author is trying to categorize into three approaches, such as; local youth group, united youth meetings and denominational or 'church group' youth ministries-   

a. Local Youth Group
All most every local church encourages young people to gather at least once in a week for fellowship. In most of the cases, the fellowship doesn’t differ from the weekly church worships. However, some time other minor activities are included; such as, quizzing, singing, talent performances and picnic etc.

b. United Youth Meetings
There are number of youth united committees are found. Such committees gather young people and provide fellowships and meetings in different occasions and types. Most of such committees are loose (in terms of their authority and reorganization), some are ministering formally. Some are even few registered in government as Social Organization (NGO). These youth ministries are mainly interdenominational. These types of youth ministries are mainly focus in unity, fellowships and activities as quizzing, seminars, trainings and get to gathers etc.

c. Denominational and 'Church Group' Youth Ministries
Denominational and 'Church Group' centered youth ministries are definitely under the certain organizational structures. The major denominations have their own youth departmental ministry. Mainline churches group also have organized such youth ministry part. They are bound into denominational or organizational values, faith and practices. There is a lack of collaboration in such youth ministry organizations or wings. There are very few other nondenominational youth ministries as well working as 'Youth Center" and "Restoration" or Rehabilitation Center." 

C. The Theology of Youth Ministry
There are many ordinary young people who are used by God in the Bible. God always uses an ordinary person for His extra ordinary tasks!  Here are few examples- Josiah was king at the age of 8 and by the time he was late teens God used him to bring a rebellious nation back to God. God’s hand was on David—the youngest of his brothers. God worked in and through Daniel and his three young friends while in captivity in Babylon. Mary was a youth when she gave birth to the Savior of the world. The disciples were young men who were used of God in many ways as they built Jesus Christ’s church around the world. Young Timothy was entrusted with the leadership of an entire church. And the list of ministry of youths goes on and on. God is still the same today. He loves to use young people to accomplish His work. Ministry of youth means that we allow them to be a part of the ministry too.

a. Lack of Purpose
The first and foremost matter in youth ministry is to be understood its purpose. The scripture is clear that, 'the creator (Jesus) came to the world, dwelt among us, we see the glory of the One and the Only God' (Jn.1:14). Jesus was full of grace and truth. The purpose of youth ministry is clear enough. It has to be among the young people, not just an organization or external body. It has to be full of (100%) grace and truth to mediate young people to God through Christ.

b. Lack of good Motivations
A lot of Nepali youth ministries are designed here to be popular and for personal gains; which is bad motivations. See the good and bad motivations of ministry from I peter 5:1-6 and evaluate your own.

c. The Pillars of Youth Ministry
In order to build strong youth ministry in Nepali context, youth ministry leaders and organizations are to think and build their ministry in Biblical basis. There are three definite pillars of Christian ministry according to the Bible, and which exactly matches in the youth ministry as well-
·   Upward: Proclaiming the authority of God’s Word without apology (2 Tim.4:2). Lifting high the name of Jesus through worship (Jn.4:24; Eph.5:18-19; Jn.14:13). Believing firmly in the power of prayer (Eph.6:18).
·   Inward: Building accountable relationships that unify the body of Christ (Gal.5:1819; Eph.4:13; Phil.2:1-5; Heb.10:24-25). Devoted to making every member a minister (Rom.12:6; 1 Cor.12:7) Developing godly leadership (Eph.4:1112)
·   Outward: Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness (Eph.6:1920; Mt.28:19-20; Acts. 1:8).

Finally, this may be right time to pause ourselves and look back to our youth ministry in church and organizations. As youth volunteer or leader personally we need to evaluate our own call and commitment towards Nepali youth. Let our youth ministry be built in Biblically sound approach and let Nepali youth be saved in Christ. Unless the real meaning is understood, 'the youth ministry will be just a youth ministry, not ministry of youth. Let our youth ministry do not just be activities oriented but be a means to reach young people.
To God be the Glory.
(The author of this article is pastor of Shaktisali Baptist Church, Lalitpur who had been working as Executive Secretary of Nepal Baptist Youth Fellowship for more than Eight Years- 2006 to 2014 May.)


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