The Rising Issue of Transgender and Biblical Response

Introduction: There are lots of different issues that are rising these days. Church' face one and then has to deal with the other. There are such issues which we find difficult to deal with. We have Biblical ethics and we use our common senses, however young people come up with their logic. Here, we are going to answer on the issue of 'Transgender' in a Biblical prospective. It was in 2012, that Pratik Panta, son of Santosh Panta; the most popular media personal/ comedy actor; helped his son to change his gander into a girl. He even changed his name to 'Caitlin'. So, how should our church response to this issue? This short article deals on 'Transgender Issue and Biblical Response on it'. Defining the Term: The Online dictionady Wikipedia defines; "Transgender is the state of one's gender identity or gender expression not matching one's assigned sex . Transgender is independent of sexual orientation ; transgender people ...