The Situation of Youth in America

Josh McDowell states that youth of America are in crisis. Because the research has shown that, in America: 1,000 unwed teenager girls become mother. 1,106 teenage girls get an abortion. 4,219 teenagers contact a sexual transmitted disease. 500 adolescents begin using drug. 1,000 adolescents begin drinking alcohol. 135,000 kids bringing a gun or other weapon to school. 3,610 teens are assaulted; 80 are raped. 2,200 teens drop out of high school. 2,750 kids watch their parents separate or divorce. 90 kids are taken from their parents' custody and placed in foster care, a group home, or institutional care. 7 kids (ages 10-19) are murdered. 7 juveniles age 17 and under are arrested for murder. 6 teens commit sucide. It isn't horror story? Yes it is! Nepal is also not far away from the same situation. Almost all cases mention above are among Nepali young and teens. If it just continued the day is not far away from ...